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We seek transparent, strong and long-lasting business relationships.

Special section for companies or people who wish to be part of the 360Energy value chain through their services or products.


It is important that you read the following information carefully.

Supplier Evaluation

Líderes en desarrollo, construcción, montaje y operación 
de Parques Solares Fotovoltaicos en Argentina. Energía Solar.

Within the framework of our Integrated Management System (IMS), based on ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards, we give great importance to the selection and evaluation of suppliers. One of the pillars of our Policy is:

Working with suppliers that adhere to our business philosophy and principles, facilitating the achievement of our business mission and generating solid, long-term relationships.

That is why we want to share with you the criteria on which we base the supplier evaluation process, in each of the deliveries and/or contracts:

  • Product quality.

  • Compliance on the agreed delivery date.

  • Incidents generated in previous deliveries.

  • Certification of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 or equivalent standards.

We are convinced that teamwork is a fundamental key to success!

Supplier Registration

To register as a supplier in our system we need you to download the "General Data Form" button; and send it to us, complete and signed, along with the corresponding certificates, to the following e-mail box:

Contact information
for Suppliers

Invoice Inquiries


Account Statement Inquiries


Telephone attention

+54 230 4384555 / 4386960.

Monday and Thursday from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Aspects to take into account for Suppliers:

  • Comply with the formal data established in RG AFIP N°1415.

  • The invoice must be issued in the same contracting currency.

  • The invoice must be uploaded to the Suppliers portal, without exceeding 10 days from its issuance.

  • In the Supplier Portal you can upload your invoices, enter credit and debit notes, review your checking account and download payment orders with their respective withholdings.

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