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Who we are


360Energy Group

We are a family-owned company with presence in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Italy and Mexico, which shares a vision: to build a cleaner and more sustainable world.

Our founders have more than 30 years of experience in the energy sector, backed by the Stellantis Group as a strategic shareholder with 49.5% stake. This track record is reflected in our passion for undertaking, creating and expanding borders.

We are convinced that solar energy is and will be the main vector of the global energy transition.


Strategic alliance with


Together with the Stellantis Group we are developing projects for +1000Mw

to supply its industrial plants in Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Italy and Mexico.


These projects include solar photovoltaic installations, energy storage and, in the future, green hydrogen.

Mapa Global de Proyectos 2024-09-27 gris - copia.png



Convinced that the sun is the energy source of tomorrow, we aspire to become a global leader in solar energy generation, leading the way in the application of new technologies. We dream of a cleaner and more sustainable world for future generations.


To be protagonists in the energy transition, by developing, constructing, and operating solar power generation parks, energy storage systems, and green hydrogen production facilities that replace the use of fossil fuels.


At 360Energy we ALWAYS work under the following values:

→ Passion
→ Honesty
→ Integrity
→ Collaboration
→ Innovation.

Trama Paneles 360E_2024-01.png

Sustainability Reports

Reporte de sustentabilidad 2023

IMS | Certifications

We are one of the first Latin American companies in the sector to achieve Tri-Norma Certification.

We base our work and management on international standards of Quality, Environment, and Safety and Health at Work.

360 ENERGY S.A. Norma ISO 14001-2015 CERTIFICADO

ISO 1401:2015

360 ENERGY S.A. Norma ISO 9001-2015 CERTIFICADO

ISO 9001:2015

360 ENERGY S.A. Norma ISO 45001-2015 CERTIFICADO

ISO 4501:2018


360E Group

FCA Automobiles Arg. S.A.
Private Trust
bandera 360Energy Argentina energía solar energías renovables
360 Energy Solar SA
bandera 360Energy Brasil energia solar energías renovables
360 Energy Solar
Brasil LTDA
bandera 360Energy Argentina energía solar energías renovables
360 Energy Solar
bandera 360Energy Argentina energía solar energías renovables al_argentina
360 Energy Solar
Catamarca Argentina
bandera 360Energy Italia energía solar energías renovables
360 Energy Solar
Italia LTDA
bandera 360Energy México energía solar energías renovables
360 Energy Solar
México SRL
bandera 360Energy España  energía solar energías renovables
360 Energy Solar
España SA

360E Group

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